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women's ministry


Godly women are essential to our homes, churches, and community. Women's Ministry strives to disciple and equip women in their walk with Jesus Christ and in growing in their God given roles. Our desire is to support each other, encourage new relationships and to grow in faith and spiritual knowledge. 


We do this through weekly Bible study, service ministry and multiple events during the year.


  • Helping Hands Sewing & Knitting Group meets on Mondays at 2:00 PM to make hats, scarfs, blankets and other items to bless local hospitals, nursing homes and other places.


  • Women's Bible Study group led by Casey Ochoa meets on Tuesdays at 6:30 PM at the the church and via Zoom.


  • Women have a chance to attend conferences:

    • She Stands Women's Conference is a regional conference that covers a variety of topics to equip and enrich women. 

    • Empower Evangelism Conference is a two-day conference to inspire women (and men) to feel stronger and more confident in their witness for Christ.

    • other opportunities and events e.g. Going Beyond Simulcast with Priscilla Shirer


If you are interested in more information contact us at



  • Sunday school - 9:30 AM

  • Worship service - 10:45 AM



  • Helping Hands - 2:00 PM



  • Women's Bible Study - 6:30 PM

Sunday: 9:30 AM - Bible Study  I  10:45 AM - Worship Service     Wednesday: 6:00 PM -  Prayer Meeting 

Amelia Baptist Church  I  8055 Brighton St. Beaumont, TX 77707  I  409-866-4168  I

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